At first when I entered the Globaloria room I thought it was going to be boring and fun, but no It wasn't like that It was great I really liked being with her and her instructioning us because we had been waiting for Ms.Miller to upload our Flash since yesterday, so I'm telling the truth, I really liked it because she made us get everything in our wiki page and get everything we had to do into the wiki. I did learn something from her, I learned that if we work hard and do it quickly and not get distracted we will get everything done.
I think that this will help me on my future because when ever I need to upload something to my wiki page I don't have to ask Ms.Miller about It- I just go do it by myself and then she'll be proud of me for doing this. It will also help me because when ever a student doesn't know how to upload files to their wiki, so I tell them that I can help them upload files.
TO CHECK OUT THE WORK THAT MY TEAM DID YESTERDAY PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS WEBSITE:http://http://www.myglife.org/usa/tx/teacpawiki/index.php/User:Floresa/Projects#OTHER_assignments
Great post! Seems like you learned something from Shannon's visit. Great use of images and hyperlinks to your blog. Keep up the good work!