Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Playing to Learn Part 1

Name of the Game: Don't Take it So Literary

What were you looking for?
 I wasn't looking for anything specifically. All I was looking for in general was the way of teaching, how they projected their learning topic. The Game was fun to play because I can see how it would help me understand and learn the definitions of the words.

Was the Game fun to play? 
  In my opinion the game wasn't as adventurous as I wanted to be but although it didn't, it had a strong education skill. Actually it was fun because I was able to learn at the same time as playing.

How does the designer reward you and keep you playing?
  The designer keeps us playing by doing the cool, glittery designs in the game. When I see those types of things it makes me feel inspired to keep on going and follow more on the game. It rewards me by saying "Good Job", or providing more levels for you.

What does this game teach you?
  This game teaches me definitions of words that we need to know in our English Class. For example knowing all the English Elements. It also teaches me how to find words that I don't even know about.

I'm not sure If I noticed the hidden objects that taught me the objective but one I did notice was that it had hidden clues that matched with the word, for example synonyms were included.

I would say middle school would find the game educational, it is also good for teachers in a way were they would make learning fun for their students and not be bored.

I would make this game better by adding more color because when there is no color it is hard to entertain the player. I would also add more clues to some of the words, also include sentences to help the player understand.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Danger of a Single Story

- What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?
  To have a "single story" about a place is a problem because it's all surrounded by people's inferences. To have a "single story" means having false inferences about a place you don't know. For example judging my teacher without even knowing her. Some false inferences are that, All Africans are poor. Mainly False Statements of a place or person without true information.

- Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community?
   Since my community is populated by Mexicans & African-Americans, people infer that we are all on drugs and are dirty people. What is missing from the story is not knowing how valuable we are. People can learn more about my community by coming by and visiting it. Talking to the people there.
 - Describe a single story you have heard about another community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about that community?
    Whenever I would hear the city Los Angeles, I would think of it as such a pretty place with fancy things, celebrities all over, rich people. When I went to visit everything was the opposite of what I've always thought of. Just because a lot of celebrities are over there, it doesn't mean that it is all about them. There is also normal everyday people. I would have learned more about that community by asking people how everyday life is, do research on the city. That way I would learn more.

-  How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community?
    In my opinion I think a game would let players experience many stories about a place or community by showing visual information. Kids would understand a game better, especially if it entertained them. Having fun while learning at the same time. I would enjoy that too.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A New Year

A New Year

    So far, my school year has been a storm with a couple of sunny days. It's been stressful, rainy, and cold. At the same time it all hasn't been bad. The 1st week of school I had the chance to participate in an essay contest to attend an NCLR Conference in Los Angeles, California for 2 days. Unexpectedly I won! I and one of my friends got chosen. Now that's the good part. 
  My classes are fine. I have all AP Classes, which is good because I can have credits for High School. I like my new teachers, they're interesting. I'm okay with my schedule because it makes the day go by fast. I hope to accomplish a descriptive piece of artwork in my ART Class. I've always started a piece of artwork but never finished it. I would also like to try a new sport, for example Kickball. I hope this year goes by fast because I already want to go to College. I'm ready to work on my career!!! I also was thinking of moving but it is barely the 3rd week of school. It will get better. 
That's all! 

                                                   Truly, Arlette

Monday, September 10, 2012