What has been hard for me in Flash its when I don't understand what they say because they say it too fast and that makes me loose the instructions and don't know what to do.
The second problem that I have when I'm working in Flash is when I can't find something in my Flash file that I need, to go on into the next demo.
I think that something that can be done in classroom to help me understand or learn Flash is to maybe take it easy and go step by step so none of the students get lost or don't know what to do, I say that because sometimes the teacher goes by fast and then suddenly the students are asking for help. The other way that they can do it is to give the students an agenda every day( not to forget and tell them what to do exactly by step.
I think that it is very important to remember the coding of Flash because, we are on our way to creating our game in Flash, so we totally need to remember it because then how are we going to make our game if we don't even know or remember our Flash learning's.
The other reason why it is important for you to remember the coding of Flash is because maybe next year or some other year in you re life you might need something that has to do with Flash and you know that you know some, so that will help you.
If I feel that Flash is hard now and how will I make sure that I get the training right, would be that I would stay after school with a school Flash expert (teacher,student or just someone) and tell them to teach me the whole coding of Flash.
I definitely think that I don't get distracted by distractions in the class because I always want to do everything right and not loose the instructions. Distractions don't keep me from learning it , It makes me understand better because the teacher has to deal with it and I get a little bit of time to make sure that I did the correct thing.
I think that the videos that Globaloria created for us was awesome and helpful because whenever we don't understand something when we are doing Flash than we can just go to the videos and watch them. The reason why I think they are helpful is because they do it step by step and that helps me a lot. I like teacher's to teach me step by step because it's easier for me to work with Flash. I suggest that they do this more often.
I feel great about Flash because it is so freakin cool you can do a lot of animation there, now that I have learned how to work with Flash then I'm going to buy the program to put it on my computer at home so I can get better at it.
I say a big YES! that Flash will help me on in my future because if I don't make my career as a pastry chef, than I can become a Flash expert and maybe I get a good job In flash, become a technology expert because they pay you some good cash.
It will also help me In my future because if I have kids and they are working in Flash with it maybe I can teach them the whole Flash because they'll be like me If they can't find a job or make it to their career, they'll just know that they have something that they are good at.
The other way how it will help me on in my future is that maybe I can teach my sister over the summer so she can be ready for next year and don't have any trouble with Flash.