I think that the Toros game was very great, even do they lost I still think that they made great shoots when they were winning. This was my first time going to a Toros game so I had some kind of weird experiences. My weird experiences are that I don't really like basketball but now since I watched the game I can see that I am going to start going to more Toros game, the truth Is that even do I didn't used to like It I kind of like It now. The best thing that I liked was that they were throwing out some free stuff like some t-shirts, tickets and other stuff. I was kind of disappointed because a shirt that they threw was mines but then this kid pulled It from my hand aha I was so mad. Then when they were on their break our principal told us that If we wanted to go to the concession stand to buy some food to go because then the game was about to start back so we wouldn't miss any of the game. So I went there and I was thinking about what to buy because there was a lot of stuff that I liked and the problem was that I didn't had enough money to buy everything, I only had 5 bucks and that could only buy 1 or 2 stuff. So i finally was in the line, but I didn't really wanted to buy anything but the lady said hey c'mon what do you want and I said popcorn so I bought popcorn It was very huge so I shared with my friends then I was full and told my cousin Yenifer If she wanted them so I gave them to her. Then the Vipers where winning which shouldn't supposed to happen and It happened. Then they said that the Vipers had won so they did and then we left that was It I think that the field trip to the Austin Toros was great.
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