Choosing Learning Topic
My Learning Topic is Healthy Living. The reason why I chose Healthy Living is because It is an important topic in my community and all around the country. I can already imagine the character coming to life and choosing the best choice of meal for him. The kids eating healthier and looking better. Many people in our country are not aware of what they eat because they are not educated. I want to educate families to adapt to healthier habits of life, that can help them improve their lives. The story is that you are starting a new life, ROAD TO HEALTHY EATING! You will start off by taking out all the unhealthy food that is in your kitchen/refrigerator and throwing it in the trash or donating it, but you don't want others to eat unhealthy either. My game will be a scene full of food, the character must find the objects that are not suppose to be there and will throw them away in the trash. You will also have to go to the store and shop for your new food, which is healthy food. You will have to compare prices and options. You will attend health/exercise classes. When you are at the store, you will be asked how to find the fat in an object. Math might be included in the game.
I really like your idea. I think this would be an AMAZING game ! I am really going to be looking forward to your game and I agree with your point of view. I have been in the position where people think that just because we are girls we are minority. I believe in your word and i know u can achieve big things. Good job Arlette and keep your work up. You are a great blogger by the way.