What I do in Thanksgiving day is that the night before thanksgiving I go with my mom to the store and buy all the things that I need for the celebration party. The next morning I wake up really early with my mom and my grandma so I can help them get everything done before the family gets home. My favorite thing that I like about helping my mom out Is that I get to do my favorite dessert cheesecake which I love making it. The 2ND thing that I like about It Is that I get to have fun Instead of sleeping in. Once the family Is here before we eat we always take pictures of the whole family so we can remember our happy family. Then grandma calls us to come eat and while we eat we can pray If we want to we also tell jokes we ask each other remember that time when we went to the carnival just remembering our favorite memories. After we have done eating we cut the cake and the cheesecake. Sometimes my uncle brings good movies and after eating we watch them and have a pretty good time with the family I love so much. This time I think that my family won't be all together because every year my aunt goes to see her mom and my other uncle has to take care of my newborn little cousin because he is sick and was born before he supposed to. I have a feeling that this time my family won't be together my mom says that If the family Isn't going to be together we won't celebrate Thanksgiving.
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