Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Arlette F. 5 2010

Social Issue Games

1st Game: J.lo Fur Bully on The Block

Lots of people say that Jennifer Lopez is a Bully to animals because she wears too much fur clothes and that is a kill to our animals. This game is played in an easy way to pass and finish, first of all you have to customize your character then you just have to walk fast around the place where you are located at and save an animals live by clicking the spacebar. You can also distract her from chasing you by getting a reporter to interview her that way you get to save more animal lives.

2nd Game: Super Chick Sisters

This game is about playing just exact the same things as Mario but except this is a social issue game that involves and helps the players be informed about the reality of fast food restaurants. It teaches the player the social issue by providing them information about the Restaurants.

3rd Game: Kentucky Fried Cueltry

This game was about the reality of The KFC restaurant, how their food isn't real and how it's affecting our animals. The game is very easy to play its kind of exactly as super chick sisters, the difference is that they are being

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