Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Drawing My Background

  • Write a post about drawing your background in Flash.
  • What were the differences between drawing on paper vs. drawing with flash?
  • Which did you like more?
  • How did creating a paper prototype first help you with using Flash?

    Drawing my background was a little

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Game Paper Prototype

Making my game paper prototype is always the best thing in making a game. Paper is where all my mind is storage. I get to draw and do exactly what my game will look like. At first I wasn't sure what the whole point of my game was, I was confused and didn't know what to do. Therefore, drawing the paper prototype helped me because I started to realize what was happening as I drew along and took the role of the future player. I also realized that I wasn't going to make sense if the player didn't know what was the main idea of the game, It could be fun but not have any educational value.
