Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Arlette F. 1 2011

Google Science Fair
Wow! I am really impressed of what Google has come up with. I did't really expect this reality from it, I thought that Google was just a media center but it seems that it's actually not what I thought. I think that Google has done a great job by doing this competition, this helps our future a lot. Just imagine competitions like this one coming up every year can be awesome because, kids are now going to become interested in our science. This can lead to our future by having new inventions and scientists. When I first thought of an idea, mines was how can we make a piece of meat cause a reaction with a chemical? I just wonder how? well that's why we are brainstorming. First of all we want to know how can


  1. wow arlette that is good. But are you doing it in a team I have an awesome idea click on the like of my name then click Liliana Tech Monster it will be thr I think if we team up toghter we will win so do you want to be with me? I would really appreatate it.

    -Liliana Carmona

  2. that was an really nice blog and very detailed
