Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Arlette F. Blog Entry #8

  • Macgillivray Freeman's Coral Reef Adventure

    What are Coral Reefs? "Hm mm" Let me think about it, what are they? Lots of people don't know what coral reefs are. Now let me tell you all about them!

    -What is a Coral Reef and where is it found?

    Coral Reefs are animals that are Endangered and live under the ocean.

    -Are Coral Reefs in danger? - What is harming them?

    Ocean Warming is the #1 reason why coral reefs are in danger.

    Coral Reefs are in danger. They are being harmed by Salutation, Pollution and Overfishing.

    -What can we do to prevent destruction of Coral Reefs?

    There is Lot's of ideas and ways that we can prevent the destruction of Coral Reefs. One of the main ones is to overcome overfishing, we can do that by moving animals that live in the ocean to a better place for them. That way if that happens we can probably let the Coral Reefs live happily and healthy.

    Another Idea that could be possible to happen that can help prevent destruction of Coral Reefs would be to stop pollution, specially water pollution because that is what harms the ocean animals and their habitats.

    -How are Coral Reefs beneficial to the Earth?

    Coral Reefs are beneficial to Earth by them giving us the air that we breath.

    Another reason why coral reefs are important to the earth is because they help the earth protect tropical homes.

    Picture from: freedigitalphotos.net*


  1. I really like what you wrote and how creative you were. I didn't really want to read it because I had already written about them, but your intro was very nice and catched me.

  2. I really like what you wrote but it feels like i did understand youre blog so keep doing blogsfor me.

  3. That was a really nice post. You gave allot of information and you were will organized.

  4. This post is a really good post.I really liked this post because it answered the questions that you needed to answer very clearly.i hope you continue to write more blogs on this topic.

  5. Love it! Where did the photo come from?

    Great work with the notetaking and ideas.
